Thursday, June 02, 2005


I need to write a poem for my poetry group's meeting tonight, and I'm just stumped. On my run (okay, okay, it was a jog, but who says "jog" these days? We are all swifter than that) this morning, all that I could come up with was a poem about cake. "Lament on the Dearth of Cakes," a poem about occasions for which there is a need for cake, but for which cake is rarely, if ever, forthcoming. Like "do-not-tell-a-soul cake" or "dumb-ass-on-TV cake." On a day when I've gotten two story rejections and a story maybe, it's the best I can do. Hand me a piece of that "good-idea-but-not-for-us cake."

Does anyone know of any admirable poems about cake?

What's up with the cake, Miss Dickinson?

Today's Dickinsonian oracle:

A full fed Rose on meals of Tint
A Dinner for a Bee
In process of the Noon became -
Each bright mortality
The Forfeit is of Creature fair
Itself, adored before
Submitting for our unknown sake
To be esteemed no more
(E. Dickinson, 1141)

Ah, "to-be-esteemed-no-more cake..."


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