Thursday, July 28, 2005

It's all about perspective

To a turtle, the drop from curb to street must be huge, like a child's experience of the space between June and September, like the gap between an introvert's wish for company and her inviting the neighbors over for iced tea, like the distance between what you want right now and what you'll be lucky to get if you just sit still and behave yourself.

It's all just a matter of perspective, what separates you from the drop, the summer, the company, the wants. The trick is to know how telescopes work, to figure out what appears nearer or farther, larger or smaller in the rear-view mirror, to understand that its all done with the help of optics.

What perspective does today's Dickinsonian oracle offer for those of use who are perplexed by the view?

Except the smaller size
No lives are round -
There - hurry to a sphere
And show and end -
The larger - slower grow
And later hang -
The Summers of Hesperides*
Are long.
(E. Dickinson, 606)

*Who are the Hesperides?


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