Cool Egyptian Fact #2

Recent advances in imaging technology, along with the imagination and skill of artists with nothing else to do, have made it possible--finally--to reconstruct the physical likenesses of people long dead (at least of those who have left their bones lying about). So it should come as no particular surprise, though surely a delight, that we now know what King Tut looked like.
And we finally, finally have confirmation of what many of us have suspected for decades, namely that Barbra Streisand is the reincarnation of the world's most famous, short-lived boy king.
Thank goodness.
On reincarnation, ancient Egypt, and Babs, the Dickinsonian oracle says:
Me -- Come! My dazzled face
In such a shining place!
Me - hear! My foreign Ear
The sounds of Welcome - there!
The Saints forget
Our bashful feet -
My Holidays, shall be
That They - remember me -
My Paradise - the fame
That They - pronounce my name -
(E. Dickinson, 389)
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