Monday, August 01, 2005

Big blue

Brightly wants to extend a warm and applause-riddled welcome to the newest addition of its author's reference book collection, the big, blue, beautiful Webster's Enclyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, Deluxe Edition (New York: Random House, 2001), all 2,230 thin-as-onion-skin pages. Special features include a terrific definition of the word "corban," a slightly scary illustration of a senorita wearing a mantilla, and a new words section that includes definitions of (and pronunciation assistance for) "dental dam," "Derrida," and "doula." This is a dictionary a girl can love.

As all you language freaks must admit, this is cause for celebration. Hip, hip, hurrah! (p. 905).

In jubilation (a feeling of or the expression of joy or exultation, p. 1035, just after "jubilatio" and just before "jubilee"), the Dickinsonian oracle pronounces:

The words the happy say
Are paltry melody
But those the silent feel
Are beautiful -
(E. Dickinson, 1767)

Okay, so the Dickinsonian oracle pronounces SILENTLY in julbilation. Think hip, hip, hurrah!


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