Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Too big to hang

Overheard in a coffeeshop.
Two middle-aged men, one reading from a newspaper.
Something about a 400-pound man who had shot two people, was sentenced to death, but a higher court overturned the ruling, claiming that he was too big to hang, that the hanging might mistakenly result in a decapitation.

So he should die, but just not loose his head about it. Or, if he should loose his head, he's sentenced to life.

Google search of "too big to hang"

I guess I'm too big to hang around you little guys.
These speakers look too big to hang on the wall.
It was too big to hang. We had to shoot it to kill it and it was a mess.
They are too big to hang in your car's rearview mirror...

And my favorite: but pigeons are too big to hang off the washing line.

On "too big to hang," the Dickinsonian oracle muses:

You cannot fold a Flood
And put it in a Drawer -
Because the Winds would find it out -
And tell your Cedar Floor -
(E. Dickinson, from 583).

True. A Flood is too big to hang.


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