Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Cross pollination


Today's Dickinsonian Oracle appears on ODALISQUED, Anne Boyer's attractive, poetically dapper blog.


So get your daily dose of poetic prophecy there, not here... but remember, the best things dwell out of sight.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

You aught to see this

We at Brightly send glittering congratulations to fellow poet, Trug, and all-round wonder women K. Alma Peterson for the appearance of two of her brilliant poems in the newest volume of Aught!

Aught is cool.

Today's Dickinsonian oracle asserts:

Luck is not chance -
It's Toil -
Fortune's expensive smile
Is earned -
The Father of the Mine
Is that old fashioned Coin
We spurned -
(E. Dickinson, 1360)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


The heat has reguritated the now rainy and cooler southwest Metropolis. The heat monster has packed up and headed east. Watch out, Connecticut. The monster strutteth.

It is hard to do much when one is stuck in a poem -- it just snuck up and grew around me. Stuck in the images from/of Qana also.

But back to philosophy:

It seems very likely that the structuring of associations and attachments around the affect shame is among the most telling differentials among cultures and times... Which means, among other things, that therapeutic or political strategies aimed directly at getting rid of individual or group shame, or undoing it, have something preposterous about them (Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Touching Feeling, p. 62).

And today's Dickinson oracle:

Departed - to the Judgment -
A Mighty - Afternoon -
Great Clouds - like Ushers - leaning
Creation - looking on -

The Flesh - Surrendered - Cancelled -
The Bodiless - begun -
Two Worlds - like Audiences - disperse -
And leave the Soul - alone -
(E. Dickinson, 399)