Friday, January 26, 2007

Taking pains to advance the chance

Today's Dickinsonian oracle:

Pain - has an Element of Blank -
It cannot recollect
When it begun - Or if there were
A time when it was not -

It has no Future - but itself -
It's Infinite contain
It's Past - enlightened to perceive
New Periods - Of Pain.
(E. Dickinson, 760)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Why does everyone want to be a millionaire?

Today's Dickinsonian oracle espouses the weight in gold of poets:

I reckon - When I count at all -
First - Poets - Then the Sun -
Then Summers - Then the Heaven of God -
And then - the List is done -

But, looking back - the First so seems
To Comprehend the Whole -
The Others look a needless Show -
So I write - Poets - All -
(E. Dickinson, from 533)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A human thing

Back and feathered.

The Dickinsonian oracle:

Conferring with myself
My stranger disappeared
Though first upon a berry fat
Miraculously fared
How paltry looked my cares
My practise how absurd
Superfluous my whole career
Beside this travelling Bird
(E. Dickinson, 1739)