Wednesday, October 25, 2006


fringe; fringed polygala; frippery; Frisco; frosette; frisky

Today's Dickinsonian oracle:

Of so divine a Loss
We enter but the Gain,
Indemnity for Loneliness
That such a Bliss has been.
(E. Dickinson, 1202)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


estovers; estreat; estrone; estuary; esurient; etamine; etaoin shrdlu

And the Dickinsonian oracle:

Empty my Heart, of Thee -
It's single Artery -
Begin, and leave Thee out -
Simply Extinction's Date -

Much Billow hath the Sea -
One Baltic - They -
Subtract Thyself, in play,
And not enough of me
Is left - to put away -
"Myself" meant Thee -

Erase the Root - no Tree -
Thee - then - no me -
The Heavens stripped -
Eternity's vast pocket, picked.
(E Dickinson, 393)

Saturday, October 21, 2006


deletion; delftware; Delian; deliberative; Delibes; delicate; delicatessen

Today's Dickinsonian oracle:

A Secret told -
Ceases to be a Secret - then -
A Secret - kept -
That - can appall but One -

Better of it - continual be afraid -
Than it -
And whon you told it to - beside -
(E. Dicksinson, 643)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Curtain call

curtain lecture; curtal; curtal ax; curtilage; curtsy; curule; curvaceous

And today's Dickinsonian oracle:

To love thee Year by Year -
May less appear
Than sacrifice, and cease -
However, dear,
Forever might be short, I thought to show -
And so I pieced it, with a flower, now.
(E. Dickinson, 618)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


belabor; belay; bel canto; beldam; beleageur

Today's Dickinsonian oracle:

Beauty - be not caused - It Is -
Chase it, and it ceases -
Chase it not, and it abides -

Overtake the Creases

In the Meadow - when the Wind
Runs his fingers thro' it -
Deity will see to it
That You never do it -
(E. Dickinson, 654)

Monday, October 16, 2006


archimandrite; archiplasm; architect; archivist; archivolt; archly

Today's Dickinsonian oracle says (archly):

Ourselves - we do inter - with sweet derision
The channel of the Dust - who once achieves -
Invalidates the Balm of that Religion
That doubts - as fervently as it believes -
(E. Dickinson, 1449)