Sunday, April 15, 2007

Things that fly

Today's Dickinsonian oracle:

The Butterfly in honored Dust
Assuredly will lie
But none will pass the Catacomb
So chastened as the Fly
(E. Dickinson, 1305)

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Where we go

Today's Dickinsonian oracle:

We can but follow to the Sun -
As oft as He go down
He leaves Ourselves a Sphere behind
'Tis mostly - following -

We go no further with the Dust
Than to the Earthen Door -
And then the Panels are reversed -
And we behold - no more
(E. Dickinson, 845)

Friday, April 13, 2007

Seeing visions

Today's Dickinsonian oracle:

These - saw Visions -
Latch them softly -
These - held Dimples -
Smooth them slow -
This - addressed departing accents -
Quick - Sweet Mouth - to miss thee so -
(E. Dickinson, from 769)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

In case you were wondering

Today's Dickinsonian oracle:

Lest this be Heaven indeed
An Obstacle is given
That always guages a Degree
Between Oneself and Heaven.
(E. Dickinson, 1000)

Monday, April 09, 2007

Within a Swoon

Today's Dickinsonian oracle:

There is a pain - so utter -
It swallows substance up -
Then covers the Abyss with Trance -
So Memory can step
Around - across - upon it -
As One within a Swoon -
Goes safely - where an open eye -
Would drop Him - Bone by Bone -
(E. Dickinson, 515)

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Breath is miracle enough.

The Dickinsonian oracle:

I am alive - I guess
The Branches on my Hand
Are full of Morning Glory -
And at my finger's end -

The Carmine - tingles warm -
And if I hold a Glass
Across my mouth - it blurs it -
Physician's - proof of Breath -
(E. Dickinson, from 605)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Where she's been

The Dickinsonian oracle explains:

Above Oblivion's Tide there is a Pier
And an effaceless "Few" are lifted there -
Nay - lift themselves - Fame has no Arms -
And but one Smile - that meagres Balms -
(E. Dickinson, 1552)