Rain wishes

Those of us in Brightly's writer's offices send rain wishes out to the universe, intent, glossy, please-don't-let-it-be-a-dry-90-degrees-today wishes. These wishes may appear Saran-wrapped or accompanied by biscuits. Amelia the cat's wishes will likely be sardine shaped, though don't be surprised if you experience these wishes as showers of kitty kibble. Amelia is especially fond of kibble, not only for obvious reasons of feline nutrition, but because it rhymes with "dribble," which is a useful rainy word that often gets the showers going.
Kibble, kibble,
dribble wish,
send the rain,
send the fish.
~ a poem by Amelia the cat
Miss Dickinson loved rain, as any good cat will, and so the Dickinsonian oracle announces:
We thirst at first - 'tis Nature's Act -
And later - when we die -
A little Water supplicate -
Of fingers going by -
It intimates the finer want -
Whose adequate supply
Is that Great Water in the West -
Termed Immortality -
(E. Dickinson, 750)
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